The Email Frequency Fallacy

We talked about this in our 10 Step Primer (not signed up? Check it out!), but it deserves more than just a single mention. The Email Frequency Fallacy is probably one of the biggest misconceptions about email sending that’s out there. It’s time to clear things up. There is no generic value for sending too much or too little. There is no one ideal time or frequency to send because no two businesses or subscribers are alike.

Email frequency depends on three things: the campaign, the content and the subscriber’s desire for said content.

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Below the Fold: More Important Than You Might Imagine

Wait, it’s 2014 and we’re running an above/below the fold article? Is this a Flashback Friday piece? Did we hop in the Wayback Machine and take a trip back to the web content analysis salad days of 2010?

No, we did not. Instead, we did some readin’, researchin’, and recon.

After a conversation with one of our clients (shout out to the squad at DRUM! Magazine) brought below the fold ad and article performance to our attention, we did some digging to see how much page placement affected reader interaction. The results were pretty surprising.

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Reasonable Automation

The process of automating your marketing process involves walking a fine line.  The more technology develops, the more people use it to communicate and connect.  Automation, then, needs to make life easier for the marketer without that cold annoyed feeling that comes when you get robo-called. 

The question becomes:  how you can you be a person but not spend every single minute glued to your computer?  Reasonable automation!

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Now verified: Gmail image caching affects MNB opens (but barely)

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Making the Scene

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